Printable version Amending Board Bylaws Callers Disbursement Dissolution
Dues Fiscal Hostess Income Leave Meetings Membership
Officers President Property Rules Secretary Suspension Voting




The Organization shall be known as the Sesquicentennial Promenaders. referred to hereafter in this Constitution and By-Laws as the Club.


The object and purpose of the Club shall be:

1. To promote and engage in square dancing as a recreational activity, and to maintain this activity according to high standards.

2. To promote and encourage fellowship, friendship and good will among Club members, Club guests and all those interested in square dancing.




1. Anyone who has completed and graduated from classes covering Basic and Mainstream square dance movements shall be eligible for membership in the Club, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club.

2. Requests and/or applications for membership shall be submitted to any officer on the Executive Board of the Club, who will bring the request to the Executive Board and to the Club membership.

3. Membership in the Club shall be confirmed and accepted by a majority vote (> 50%) of the Club members present during a Called Meeting or a Quarterly Meeting.

4. Members shall be responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests, including children, grandchildren, or other minors attending a club activity with them.

5. Any member who comes to a Club dance under the influence of any chemical substance shall be subject to suspension from membership.

6. After due notice has been given, any member whose dues are three (3) months in arrears and has not been granted a Leave of Absence, may be dropped from the Club membership. In order to be reinstated, the former member must submit a new application for membership.



7. Leave of Absence

a. A Leave of Absence may be granted for any period from three (3) months (i.e. 12 weeks) up to twelve (12) months (i.e. 52 weeks). While on Leave of Absence the member shall be relieved from paying monthly dues. The inactive member will not be eligible to vote at Club meetings. NOTE: If, while on Leave, said member wishes to come to any dance, pay the guest fee and dance with the Club, he may do so without invalidating his Leave of Absence status.

b. After 12 months, the inactive member(s) on Leave of absence will be dropped from the Club roll and must re-apply, if the former member wishes to become a member again. Note: Charter members are exempt from being dropped from the roll and only need to begin paying dues in order to be reinstated.


8. Club Property

In the event that any member or officer of the Club shall leave the Club for any reason, all Club property in the possession of that person shall be turned over to a member of the Executive Board. Said person shall have two (2) months in which to comply, after which, legal action may be taken by the Club. "Property" shall be described as:

a. Any and all historical items belonging to the Club, including but not limited to pictures, albums, plaques, trophies, articles, scrapbooks, ribbons, etc.

b. Any and all banners, gifts to the Club, membership lists, artwork, computer discs, tapes, books, etc.

c. Any and all funds belonging to the Club.

d. Any and all decorations for special dances or other events that were paid for by the Club treasury.




1. Regular Club dances will be held on days and times as approved by the Club, generally from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

2. Club square dance classes will be conducted on days and at times approved by the Executive Board. The duration and required number of lessons will vary from class to class and will be determined by the Executive Board and the Class Instructor.

3. Club business meetings will be held at least once each quarter, or more frequently, if so determined by the Executive Board.

4. In general, Quarterly Club meetings will be announced two weeks in advance during the regular Club dances preceding the meeting. The requirement to notify the membership shall have been met by email, phone, or written notice of the business meeting date two weeks in advance of the meeting.

5. A Club quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the Club members who are "in good standing". Members must be current in their dues to be "in good standing".

6. As a matter of practicality, Club business shall be decided upon by a simple majority ( >50% ) of Club members, counted as individuals and not as couples, "in good standing" and present at the Club meeting. A quorum is not required to conduct business unless specifically required by reference in this Constitution and By-Laws. Proxy vote submitted in writing and signed by an absent member who is in good standing will be considered the same as if the member were present.

7. Members must, immediately prior to a business meeting, settle any account with the Club and/or pay any back dues owed to the Club in order to be considered as being "in good standing" at that particular meeting.



A. Officers and their Election

1. Working as couples, the Officers of the Club shall be:

a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Host and/or Hostess
f. Class Coordinator
2. The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of officers for the coming year at the Fourth Quarterly business meeting of the Club. Nominations from the floor may also be made at the Fourth Quarterly business meeting.

3. At the Fourth Quarterly business meeting, Officers of the Club shall be confirmed and accepted by a majority vote (>50%) of Club members in good standing and present, or voting by written and signed proxy in the case of absence, as outlined in Constitution Article IV- 4 & 6.

4. The term of office for all Club officers will be from January 1st through December 31st of each year.

5. Officers may be elected to serve consecutive terms. In the event that the President becomes unable to complete his term of office, the Vice President shall automatically become President.

6. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the officers group during the year, a special election will be held during a Club business meeting to fill the vacancy.


B. Executive Board

1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Host and Hostess, Class Coordinator and the immediate Past President.

C. Duties of Officers and Executive Board


1. President

a. The President shall preside over all Club meetings and dances. He shall uphold these Constitution and By-Laws and be responsible for all Club activities.

b. The President shall appoint all standing committees necessary for the operation of the Club and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

c. The President, or someone appointed by the President, shall be in charge of setting the dancing schedule and executing written contracts with all Callers for the following calendar year.

2. Vice President

a. The Vice President shall assist the President and shall act in his behalf when the President is absent.

b. The Vice President shall organize visitations to other clubs.

c. The Vice President shall perform the duties of a Parlimentarian.


3. Secretary

a. The Secretary shall take and maintain minutes of all business meetings.

b. The Secretary shall prepare and maintain a current list of Club members, their addresses and telephone numbers. This list shall be provided to all Club members twice each year.

c. The Secretary shall maintain a record of all official Club business and shall handle necessary correspondence on behalf of the Club.

d. The Secretary shall be responsible for submitting news articles and Club advertisements to the "Where n' When" and other square dance publications.

e. The Secretary shall be responsible for all Quarterly Business Meeting announcements.

4. Treasurer

a. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all Club funds and shall prepare, maintain and publish records of income and expenses of the Club.

b. The Treasurer shall collect dues and pay bills.

c. The Treasurer shall prepare quarterly financial reports.


5. Host and Hostess

a. The Host and Hostess shall be responsible for preparing duty rosters and schedules covering the provision of refreshments and clean-up of the kitchen area. The Host and Hostess are not responsible to actually clean-up the kitchen and hall each night.

b. The Host and Hostess shall be responsible for the education of new members relative to the provision of refreshments, quantities required, kitchen set-up and clean-up procedures, location of supplies, and general member responsibilities.

c. The Host and Hostess shall be responsible for purchase of general kitchen supplies and paper goods as required. These costs will be reimbursed by the Club upon submission of receipts.


6. Class Coordinator

a. The Class Coordinator shall be responsible for leading and recruiting for the Club's Mainstream and Plus square dance classes.

b. The Class Coordinator shall be responsible for ongoing communication with students.

c. The Class Coordinator shall be responsible for ordering the Club badges for the students.

d. The Class Coordinator shall be responsible for the student graduation event coordinating with the President the Club, the Host and Hostess and the H.S.R.D.C., making sure the graduation is on the Council's calendar


7. Executive Board

a. The Executive Board shall have the emergency power to act on behalf of the Club when immediate decisions are required on significant matters which will impact the Club.

b. The President OR any TWO other members of the Executive Board may call a meeting of the Executive Board at any time deemed necessary. All Executive Board members "in good standing" must be notified 24 hours in advance of the meeting before it is held.

c. An Executive Board quorum consists of a majority (>50%) of Executive Board members "in good standing", counted as individuals and not as couples, and must include the President OR Vice President. An Executive Board quorum is required for the Executive Board to conduct business.

d. Items being considered for action by the Executive Board shall be resolved by a simple majority (>50%) of the Board members present, voting as individuals and not as couples.

e. The Executive Board shall have the power to commit up to a maximum of $500.00 of the Club's funds for a single activity at any one time but may not exercise this privilege more than twice per office term. All commitments greater than $500.00 must be approved by the members of the Club as provided for elsewhere in this Constitution and By-Laws document.

f. The Executive Board shall be responsible for determining and recommending actions relative to the Callers.



The proceedings of this Club shall be governed by "Roberts Rules, Revised", except where a specific conflict is found to exist with the Constitution and the By-Laws, in which case the Constitution and By-Laws will govern. Meetings will be conducted in an informal though orderly and business-like manner.



Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with "Roberts Rules, Revised".



The fiscal year of this Club shall begin on 01, January and shall end 31 December.



1. Membership dues or changes to membership fees shall be decided upon by the Club membership as a normal business item in the manner prescribed in Article IV-6 of the Constitution.

2. Membership dues are due by the first dance of each month.

3. The Treasurer shall deposit all membership fees in the Club account in a depository bank in Texas, subject to the provisions of By-Laws Article IV, below. The Treasurer shall recommend to the Club membership when a change in the depository bank would be in the best interest of the Club.



1. The Treasurer, as custodian of all Club funds, shall be responsible for collecting funds other than membership dues, payments for badges, festival tickets, admission to special Club dances and/or other events, raffles, etc.

2. Guest fees, class dues and special dance fees shall be set by the Executive Board. Guest fees for special guests, i.e. HSRDC officials, State officials, guest callers, etc. may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Board.

3. The Treasurer shall deposit all of the funds referenced in By-Laws Article III-1 above in the Club's account in a depository bank in Texas, subject to the provisions of the By Laws Article IV below.



1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for disbursing funds of the Club.

2. The Treasurer is authorized to conduct business on behalf of the Club on a cash basis with payments being made either by cash or by check.

3. The Executive Board shall determine how funds in the treasury shall be used for the best advantage of the Club.

4. The President shall appoint an auditing committee to audit the Treasurer's records before the transfer of officers at the end of each year, OR at any time deemed necessary.



1. The President or someone appointed by the President shall be in charge of setting the dancing schedule, negotiating fees, and executing written contracts with all Callers for the following calendar year.

2. The Executive Board shall be responsible for recommending to the President and/or Scheduler the hiring of Class Instructor.

3. The decision to discharge the Class Instructor shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board along with the Class Coordinators.

4. The President shall be responsible for communication with the Caller(s) and for management of the dance program content to ensure that the dance and level of dance is being conducted in the best interest of the Club.

5. In the event that the scheduled Caller is unable to call, that Caller shall be responsible for providing a substitute Caller who is acceptable to the Club. The Caller shall contact the President/Scheduler and obtain approval of the proposed substitute Caller before actually booking the substitute.



The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended or repealed at a regular business meeting provided the following requirements have been met.

1. The proposed amendment, revision, or motion to repeal has been submitted in writing to the Secretary.

2. The Secretary has prepared copies of the proposed amendment, revision, or repeal motion for all Club members to read and the proposed amendment, revision, or repeal motion has been made available for all members to read at least two weeks prior to the business meeting. This requirement shall have been met by having copies of the amendment, revision, or repeal motion sent to the member's email or by written notice a period of two weeks prior to the meeting.

3. The business meeting date, and the fact that a proposed amendment to or motion to repeal the Constitution and By-Laws is on the agenda, shall have been announced by the President or designee at the Club dance two weeks in advance of the meeting.

4. A two-thirds (+66%) majority vote of a quorum (Refer to Constitution Article IV-5) in attendance (in person or by written proxy), voting as individuals and not as couples, shall be required to amend or repeal the Constitution and By-Laws.



The procedure for dissolving this Club is as follows:

1. The President shall notify all Club members of the intention to dissolve the Club along with the time and the place of the meeting where such action will be voted on. Such notification shall be sent by written notification or email two weeks in advance of the meeting. The President will make a reasonable effort to contact the members.

2. A two-thirds majority of the Club membership "in good standing" and in attendance at the special meeting, voting as individuals and not as couples, shall be required to dissolve the Club. NOTE: A quorum does not have to be in attendance to take the action to dissolve the Club.

3. In the event of dissolution, the President, or Vice President, or Treasurer, or Secretary, or Host and Hostess, or immediate Past President, in that order, shall donate all available funds and properties of the Club at the time of the meeting to an organization voted on by the membership as individuals and not as couples, "in good standing" and in attendance at the special meeting.

Constitution and by-laws adopted March 28, 2023 Page 8 of 8